This morning as we were sleeping in and enjoying a leisurely Sunday morning, husband informed me that there are like 11 weekends before Christmas. “What? Shut up,” was my response. How can we even be talking about winter holidays when it is still 100 degrees out? But, the truth is we are weeks away and ‘tis the season for house guests. So, I thought I would take a minute and make a list of the top 10 things you need in your guest room. And by guest room I mean the spare room that holds all the junk, the kid’s room you use when you kick the kid out, or the spare pull out sofa that holds guests when your house gets crowded. If you are so lucky to have a no-kidding guest bedroom then good on you!
Now, on with the list…
1. Great bedding
2. Clean and accessible towels
3. Water and some snacks
4. The Wi-Fi password
5. A space on the nightstand for their things
6. A spot to hang clothes
7. An assortment of pillows
8. A bathroom with plenty of t.p. and other essentials
9. An outlet near the bed that they can reach
10. A fan/extra blankets
#1- Great bedding
Okay, this leads to an ongoing debate in my household. Sheets, sharp or not? I ask this because when I was a kid and visited my Nana a couple times a year I am pretty sure she went out and bought new sheets for the occasion, very thoughtful. But, here’s the thing. I think she would take them out of the package and place directly on the bed. We call these “sharp sheets.” My husband and his daughter are certain that this is 100% the correct way to do business. In fact, they bask and look forward to the sharpness of new sheets. Others (Devin and I) think they are crazy and sheets (like new underwear) should be washed before enjoyed. I think my mom taught be this was the actual correct way of doing business and I tend to agree. But, now I am off track. The point of #1 is to make sure to have nice bedding for your guests. A nice set of sheets, pillows (more to that on #7,) a blanket, and comforter or duvet are the way to go here. You want your guests to feel special. So, take an extra minute and make a bed that will make them feel welcome.
#2- Clean and accessible towels
Your guests might not know that the towels are in the closet at the end of the hall. Or, that the towels hanging in the bathroom and the “pretty ones” and not for actual use. Clear up and confusion by leaving guests towels on the foot of the bed or on the bathroom counter in a location that says, “yes, use me.” Consider a variety of towels, bath, hand, and washcloths. Also, this isn’t the place for your old towels you don’t need anymore. You know, right before they become garage or car washing towels. Try using only white towels then you can bleach them like mad and they will always feel like white linens from a hotel.
These big bath sheets from Target are my favorite. The best part is they go on wicked sale during the holidays.
#3- Water and some snacks
There’s nothing worse than being thirsty or snack’ish and have to navigate your way through someone else’s kitchen late at night or early morning. Try leaving a small basket for your guests with a couple bottles of water and maybe some fruit snacks, crackers, nuts, or a little something chocolate. Because, nothing makes me feel more welcome than when someone leaves me chocolate.
#4- The Wi-Fi password
This one is especially important if you are like us and lie where cell signal isn’t that great. Consider a cute little framed signed with your Wi-Fi password. Or, maybe include it in a little welcome note that can go in your snack baskets. Your guests will appreciate it! Here is a fun print our you can use to leave the password to your guests.

#5- A space on the nightstand for their things
Leave a little space next to the bed for guests to have room for their phone, glasses, dentures, retainers, hair ties, bottle water, contact solution, or whatever else they like to have at arm’s reach. A great night stand would have a lamp, clock, and room for my crap. Think about the space you use next to your bed.
#6- A spot to hang clothes
I’m not saying you have to clean out an entire closet for guests or provide a wardrobe like something out of Beauty and the Beast. But, a little space in a closet or even a hook on the back of the door is a great place for guests to take some things out of their bag and shake the wrinkles out. Most importantly, leave a few empty hangers for them to get comfortable and stay a minute.
#7- An assortment of pillows
I don’t mean 8-10 toss pillows your guests have to tunnel through to go to bed. I mean, a couple options for bed pillow. For example, if you make up the bed with four pillows maybe pick two that are medium fluffy, one a little more flat, and the other more firm. This way guests have so options for which pillows they find most conformable. Because, let’s be honest, the right pillow is the key to a good night sleep. TJ Maxx and Homegoods are great places to pick affordable pillow in a variety of assortment.
#8- A bathroom with plenty of t.p. and other essentials
Whether your guests are fortunate enough to have their own bathroom in your space or if they are sharing with other bedrooms, be sure to leave them plenty of supplies and essentials. Make sure toilet paper is in an obvious place and easy to find. Also, think about leaving some soap and shampoo accessible in the shower in case they didn’t bring their own. You could even go crazy and leave a yummy smelling candle and a spare toothbrush.
#9- An outlet near the bed that they can reach
If you have a lamp and clock plugged in next to the bed you might not have any outlets available for guests to charge all their things. Consider a small power strip that they can easy access next to the bed. There are tons of cute ones online now so even if they poke out a little they aren’t icky.

#10- A fan/extra blankets
Help guests be comfortable with the temperature by giving them a way to get cooler or warmer. An extra blanket or two at the end of the bed or in a basket near the bed are great, especially for winter months. If your room doesn’t have a ceiling fan consider a small table top fan which can help guests cool off and it also acts like a white noise to drown out other sounds in the house.
Those are the top 10 that I can think of, your list might be different. The trick is to think about what makes you comfortable when you’re away from home and try to provide those things to your holiday guests. By taking couple extra minutes to make a great space for them you will making them feel welcome and everyone will enjoy the visit.
If you need a hand getting your space ready for guests give me a ring. I would love the chance to use what you have and maybe fill in the gaps with a few things to add a little extra cheer to your guest spaces. Holler.